
Plastic Fish, Batman, Dead Guys and Scribbler

They're all in the same vid! It's true. I made a vid. I'm in it. Along with a few of my favorite toys. This is no small thing. I don't like to talk into the camera. I don't like Vista. I don't have a lot of patience when my vids won't upload - there are just a lot more obstacles than there are hours in the day.

In fact, with this particular vid, it almost didn't get uploaded at all. I can't get my software to cooperate with Vista. I almost always have to embed because if the stars aren't aligned properly, VH won't upload my vids (although every other ning site and LV will) I have vids I've thought of posting but if I have to embed, no one sees them anyway.

So here's the story...

I spent a small amount of time getting clips of some of my favorite toys as a response vid to my buddy, SisterNan who posted a delightful video from her office. I was uncharacteristically motivated to respond. Since I don't particularly like to talk into the camera, I spent an entire day editing and cutting and pasting and taping and gluing and nailing together clips and photos of some of my office treasures. As I watched the rough draft of the vid it was glaringly apparent that not even Nan would want to labor through it and I'd have to pay people to watch it, regardless of the magnetic appeal of life sized cardboard cutouts, lava lamps and plastic fish. At this point, I had already spent, roughly a small insects life span working on the damn thing, I wasn't willing to just give up. So, I chopped, I cut, I clipped and unglued and started over.

And, I spoke. Now, I realize that my personal appearance didn't actually improve the vid, but shortening it by half and omitting half the crap I had originally included certainly did.

Anyway, after, oh, say a couple of dog years, I had a vid that at least included a clip of my cardboard super-hero, the m&m boys and a dead guy which, I feel captures the essence of the cyber cafe' complete with a snappy tune. Ok, much more time consuming than I had anticipated but that's cool.

So, now it's time to save the vid, publish the vid, and post the vid. I hit the proverbial snag. The vid I have labored over like a christmas quiche, won't save. Not on my hard drive; not on my flash drive; not onto a cd; not into an email; not onto camera. Ok...tiny glitch...check size; check available memory; clear cache; delete unneccesary files; email to self to open on other computer; sleep on it; repeat above mentioned steps; 20 times. Delete all files; say some bad words; retrieve deleted files; repeat above steps; say some more bad words; sleep on it some more; ok, so, the world doesn't really want to see my plastic fish. I don't care.

So tonight, I open the file for one last try. If it doesn't work, I'm really going to trash the crappy project and I won't do another vid till I'm tagged for some other crappy project that I won't be able to save. Just when I'm ready to throw in the towel, the vid miraculously saves to email and gives me the option to save a copy on my computer. Unbelievable.

So now, SisterNan can see some of my treasures. Oh, there's no duct tape, office supplies, disco ball or crazy glue but I did record myself long before I turned into a raving freak show because it wouldn't save.

I don't know if I should take pride in my perserverance or seek counseling for my ocd'ish need to spend 3 days on a 3 minute vid.

This is why I blog...

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