
I wish for you...

This is my favorite time of year. I know, weird. Whatever. I love the music, the crowds, the lit up trees. I love looking for the perfect gift, sitting in front of the fire, baking sweet treats. I love surprising people with gifts who least expect them.  I love bells on my Christmas socks, my Santa hat, and my Mrs. Clause dress. (of course I have one) And I particularly love irritating the hell out of all the Scrooges at work.

Anyway, I thought it might be appropriate to share with you some holiday wishes, whatever your particular celebratory habits happen to be. 

I wish for you...
joy. The real kind.
laughter. the belly kind.
friendship. the eternal kind.
peace. the inner kind.
music. the moving kind.
strength. the heart and mind kind.
play time. the rejuvenating kind.
rest. the revitalizing kind.
hunger. the motivating kind.
creativity. the problem solving kind.
art. the inspiring kind
judgement. the discerning kind.
work. the rewarding kind.
time. the plentiful kind
love. the fulfilling kind. 

and spiked egg nog. and brownies. lots of brownies. 

Thank you for  your friendship and kindness.