
All I NEED is a New Camera

I started researching new cameras several months ago, upon the realization that my Fujifilm was no longer sufficient. What that means is, I had played with all the bells and whistles and was ready for some new, cooler ones.  I had narrowed my desires down to two. (NO small task, mind you). A Nikon and a Canon. Not very imaginative, I know but there’s a reason Nikon and Canon sell a lot of cameras. So, I peel through page after page online; stop and look at every single camera in every single store; pick the brain of every brainless sales associate this side of the Mississippi.

Ok, so not ALL of them were brainless. The guy at Nebraska Furniture Mart, actually knew a wee bit about cameras. Often, I would end up telling them a thing or two and I’m an amateur for sure.

When the moment finally presented itself and I couldn’t stand the thought of reading yet one more review, with the Nikon in one hand and the Canon in the other, I tried to figure out how I could manage to get both when I spied an Olympus that looked interesting.

I mused, pondered and compared in my head, ran a very nice, cooperative and uninformed sales lady absolutely ragged; looked up info on my blackberry and finally walked out of the store the proud new owner of an Alpha series Sony.

It’s definitely a big girl camera. I am learning very quickly when I need to change lenses ( that is so cool), remove the sun shield, turn off the flash. I am often found out back at the edge of our property line shooting thistles, butterflies, bees, and various weeds that precede the tree line. I have learned to sit very still for a very long time and have become the favorite in the staring contest with more than one bird.

Travelling for work affords me many opportunities to photograph weeds in other places and when I get a day off, I take my camera just in case. I have two lenses, my favorite being a 75 – 300 mm f/4.5-5.6 zoom lens. Now, all I need is a fish eye wide angle, a macro and a larger camera bag.

It’s always something…

Here’s a few practice shots. Hopefully, soon I’ll be able to show some more finished looking work.

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  1. I love photography! Very nice pictures :)

  2. @Aaron - thanks and me too. I still have a lot to learn but that's the process I enjoy so much.
